The radio show

Starting from September 14, 2023, every week, you can listen live to “Tout est dans le cloud,” a radio show broadcast on CISM. For 16 weeks, Robin Cauche will engage in dialogue with academics about the contemporary challenges of research in the era of digital networks and platforms. The show is aired every Thursday from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. local time (6:00 p.m. French time) on the 89.3 FM frequency.

The format, titled “Tout est dans le cloud,” delves into current research in the humanities related to digital platforms and their various uses. Each episode includes an interview and a column that offer perspectives for understanding our online practices, resisting the hegemony of major platforms, and discovering projects, works, or even lesser-known platforms.

After an initial introductory show on the “Platforms and Uses” project, the program has covered various topics such as television series, animation related to pornographic platforms, and role-playing games. The guests are individuals fully involved in the “Plateformes et usages” project.

At the end of each show, a researcher from the project offers a short column, presenting a specific and often surprising example from their ongoing research. Through this spoken format, the show adopts a more informal tone than traditional academic publications, thereby making the content accessible to everyone!

If you can’t listen live, no worries. The archives on the radio’s website allow you to access the recorded episodes: you can therefore listen whenever and wherever you wish. For replays, visit the CISM.